h Cassiopeiae (Achird)

component year position angle angular separation magnitude of 1st component magnitude of 2nd component spectral class(es)
AB 1820 81° 10,7'' 3,44 7,51 G0V dM0
1993 315° 12,2''
AC 1912 234° 154,5'' 3,44 11,4 -
1922 238° 158,9''
AD 1912 34° 159,8'' 3,6 11,6 -
1921 30° 159,6''
AE 1912 120° 203,2'' 3,6 9 -
1931 - 190,6''
AF 1913 268° 281,7'' 3,6 - -
AG 1913 243° 338,5'' 3,6 8,9 -
1915 - 339,2''
BC 1913 118° 209,1'' - - -
BH 1928 10,8'' 7,2 8,6 -

s Cassiopeiae

component year position angle angular separation magnitude of 1st component magnitude of 2nd component spectral class(es)
AB 1830 324° 3,1'' 5 7 B1V
1983 327° -
AC 1879 67° 109,9'' 4,9 - -